We offer You kids’ clothes of the known Burberry make

We are sure any young woman of fashion dreams to dress as a movie star. Therefore, we offer You kids’ clothes of the known Burberry make. Why? Just hold on to your hat!

Burberry Group Plc is a British company, the producer of clothes, accessories, and perfumery of the class deluxe. It was established in the 1856 by Thomas Burberry, when he set up a small textiles` store in the Hampshire County.

In the 1880, Thomas Burberry contrived the first in the world «breathing» rainproof gabardine cloth called in honor of the private place, which was found in Shakespeare's works where one could hide from bad weather. In the 1888, the fabrication technique of gabardine was patented. Clothes from the new fabric became an alternative to heavy rubberized raincoats – mackintoshes ..

In the first decades of its existence, the company was specialized on production of the outerwear; it was a supplier of the British army. The expedition of Raul Amundsen to the South Pole had the protective Burberry clothing.

In the 1900, the firm opened its boutique in Paris.

During the First World War, the firm delivered officers' waterproof greatcoats. The model received the name of trench coat. 

After the First World War, the firm clothes clicked with the civil population. In particular, characters of such well- known cinemas as Casablanca and "Breakfast at Tiffany's ", as well as some personages of the famous series of "Poirot Agatha Christie" were dressed in Burberry clothes.
In the 1920, company's shares started to be listed at the London Stock Exchange.

Since the 1926 until the start of the 1950s, the second son of the founder Arthur Michael headed the firm. In the 1955, Burberry was acquired by the holding company Great Universal Stores (GUS).
The Burberry brand was especially in fashion in the 1960s and the 1970s.

From the 1st of July 2006 to the spring of 2014, Angela Arends was the company Director General. She increased sales of the firm and fundamentally reformed the product assortment and began to actively conquer the new markets of China, India, Dubai, and the US. Arends was the first from the so big heads who, in addition, began to push designer clothing of the class "deluxe" on social networking websites.

The Burberry plaiding

The «plaiding» where red, black, white and sand colors are used became Burberry's firm distinguishing feature often applied in the company's production (it came to everyone notice as Nova since the 1924 ). In the 1970s, such a pattern on clothes and accessories became popular in English football fans circles, associating with the football culture for hooligans until our days. Partly due to this fact, the «plaiding» of Burberry won its right to be one of the iconic images of Britain.

Now you are well informed about the brand name for Burberry. The royals and the film stars wear these clothes. And your child deserves to wear royal Burberry clothes. "Why royal?" you will ask again. Just because this make since sometimes became the official supplier of clothes for Her Majesty the Queen of England and His Highness the Prince of Wales. We think, it will be great for your children to learn that royals and film starts wear clothes of the same make as he or she does, won`t it?